Complete rants from a mad man...

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Now what is Flow? To an MC it might be losing himself in music in the moment never let it go... 8 mile clearly showed how people can achieve utter concentration and commitment and forget all there surroundings, but can this be achieved throughout our existence.

Wow your thinking, he hasn't started ranting about anything yet but this leads to this week's rant. Whilst I was trying to achieve Flow in my lecture on Monday a huge spider crawled across the floor and sent the female and male students wild. A harmless spider. I tried to help it and catch on a piece of paper but some inconciderate male student killed it... my heart sank as his legs circled towards the centre... How can someone do that to a harmless creature who was most probably going back to his family or in search of some food. If it ain't cute and cuddly humans feel that they have to kill it... why have we got such a destruct nature in us! "If they don't comply we bomb them" is basically the American way and this attitude has always been held by human race!

And thats what really grinds my gears!


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