Complete rants from a mad man...

Monday, October 23, 2006

Interactivity? I know what your thinking what the hell is that...well I just spent a lecture slowly bringing the learning curve to a point of understanding, listening to well construct theories trying to put an easy perspective on the matter but within the lecture it tipped off one of the problems the 21st century has created... a dark form of interaction through person to machine to person and I believe it is slowly dissolving the ability for people to express their beliefs, feelings and emotions publicly.

The 2nd rant is devoted to this topic. I am an outgoing lad who to be quite honest would talk to anyone and everyone, however, I find it hard sometimes to hold conversations with people because they don't have the ability to hold a conversation. This is not just the odd person these are also close friends. However, if you put a medium between them, I can't shut the buggers up. The time of the mobile community and internet have created a society that can express themselves how they want to be without seeing the person they are talking to. SOme might argue that they have made some great friends through the internet and I hold my hands up and say "Yes, congratulations, but how can you truly experience the whole peron if you only experience them half at a time." agreed - through time they will but how can you love someone without seeing them. Everytime I write a sentence it brings up another issue - interactivity has produce more ways of people getting in touch with other people that they don't want to be in touch with. Are interactive tools the gateway to the second identity people would like to portray in real life? Who do you REALLY know your talking to at any particular time... you can always choose who you want to be, what you want to do... so why act differently through different mediums!

On a positive not I met a girl on saturday and she was out with a group of friends who all met through the bournemouth honeys website.

And thats what really grinds my gears!


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