Complete rants from a mad man...

Monday, October 16, 2006

Just like the creation of the world, this blog has taken about seven days to get up and running...but at least we are running! This a completely new experience from me as the internet is normally a medium I use for banking, emailing and general surfing needs. So the big question is what do I fill this blog up with?

I normally keep my frustrations of life deep inside and explode now and then on an unsuspecting human being, but I thought I would take the opportunity to use this blog to release my views, opinions aka rants to anyone who wants to read them.

So my first topic - the dark world of semi professional football - I have been playing for semi pro teams since I have been 16 which now seems a life time ago, I have witnessed fraud, dodgy dealings and at times some spectacular emotions. But my rant doesn't involve these things it involves the word EGO.

The current team I am playing for are currently at the top of the division and all is going well, however, a big hitch in the campaign came on Saturday as they lost to quite simply an atrocious team, with lesser wage bills and fans to keep happy. The club I play for does not have alot of money to pay players so there is a basic wage of £25 a game, however, there are a few contracted players whose wages will be higher and then what I like to call bounty hunters who will be paid in the three figure range. Money for quality that is how the semi pro world is, but with this comes the EGO.

How can clubs justify spending money on these known players if they do not produce week in week out. Speaking from experience, I have just dropped four leagues from the Conference South to the Wessex League to join this club and have taken an 80 pound cut on my wage to play for the team... I was given no negotiation. Where as a player from the same league moved to the club and is now contracted for just one year...and he hasn't played at a higher standard than myself. Using this as an example, on Saturday I sat on the bench for 80 mins while the team struggled to penetrate the other team. I know the manager, didn't make any changes as he didn't want to upset any of the "big time " players, but if they can't get the job done give someone else a chance I mean that would happen in the real world...subsititions are made all the time for incompetent players.

Quote "Wimborne website" After 78 minutes, Chris Kennedy came on and looked very lively, coming close to scoring on a couple of occasions, and setting up even more chances, but the ball just wouldn’t go into the net.

On a happier note I have just found out that cheese and onion is probably the most versatile chris there is. Salads, sandwiches, fajitas you name it they go with it.

And thats what really grinds my gears!


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